This just might be a sign that I’m getting old, because I just fail to understand this.
The picture in the header does speak a thousand words. This is what I see when I go see a show of a larger known band. A sea of phones, recording the performance from a thousand angles. All of them with crappy lenses, and crappy microphones, all of them recording a subpar version of whatever is happening on stage.
I’ve been active in reenactment groups for many years together with my wife (who will be continuing this hobby), and we both started getting involved in historical reenactment together. I kinda lit the match, but for me personally, the fire has died out. I have lost interest in it. You could say my heart is no longer in it anymore, and I wish to move on.
Don’t get me wrong, I still think teaching people about history by showing it to them is a wonderful goal, and the people involved in reenactment are wonderful, but I personally don’t get any enjoyment out of it anymore.
This is quite a long read. It’s also based on my opinion and how I look at things. Firstly, since I’m writing this in English, I will assume you are unfamiliar with the way Dutch government works so I will give some high-level primers first which are a tad simplified, but hopefully won’t detract from the flaws I’m pointing out.
1. Introduction As some of you know, I’m Dutch and I live and work in the Netherlands.
How’s this for click bait? But there was some study that said that people (yes, this includes women) don’t prefer to have a woman as a boss. Of course, the femibots start frothing at the mouth, but all the frothing on the planet won’t change the facts.
First, for the impatient folks, the TL;DR:
I enjoy having women as coworkers, but I prefer not to work under them (modulo exceptions, but see below).
It seems general stupidity has moved into a lower DEFCON level again, so I’m tapping out for a bit. So, you won’t see any posts from me again for a while. You can have your little bubble, while I lurk on and watch the shit flinging from afar. If you do value my input from time to time, I’ll be listening on Messenger, e-mail, this here weblog, Minds, Gab, Twitter, Bitchute, etc.
(repost for Steemit)
“寧為太平犬,莫做亂離人” (nìng wéi tàipíng quǎn, mò zuò luàn lí rén), or “Better to be a dog in a peaceful time, than to be a human in a chaotic (warring) period.”
The above line is also known as the “Chinese Curse”, and is often translated as “May you live in interesting times.”
Why do I bring this up? Because we are in a chaotic period. According to StyxHexenhammer666, it’s a moral panic, or shows signs of being a moral panic and it will pass.
Sargon of Akkad mentioned that we needed a manifesto. Here’s a first rough stab at that.
I don’t care about your race, sexuality or gender. All people should have equal opportunity, but equality must never be forced. Let the people that are the best at it do the work. Free speech must be free, no matter how egregious it is to anyone. Violent speech should only be prosecuted if actual violence came of it.
I’ve just ended a project where I was working in an Agile/Scrum based environment, with sprints, stories, and deadlines. I kinda liked it, because you collaborate closely with your colleagues, and you pick your own tasks. Things can move potentially very fast, but there are some very glaring downsides. I’ll list them below:
The burndown. The holy and sacred burndown. People care way too much about getting a Sprint completely burned down.
(Repost for Steemit)
First, let’s get this out of the way: I’m an atheist at my core. There’s stuff stacked on top of my atheism to facilitate esoteric reasoning, but there is always reasoning, according to some sort of logic. Having never been indoctrinated with any religion when I grew up, I have no learned concepts for fear of gods or an afterlife. The concepts are alien to me.
I understand that people believe things.
I have opinions that might rub people the wrong way (big list here). If you examine that list, you might pick up that I’m in favor of complete freedom of speech. This includes things I have disdain for or things I vehemently disagree with. Everyone should have a platform, no matter how disgusting the idea.
You might think: “where do you draw the line?”. It’s really simple. Physical violence or extreme psychological terror (which does not include offense).